New centralized Provider Resource Center for all Highmark regions launching October 1.
Learn more about the new site in our latest Provider News or take a sneak peek at

e-Subscribe for Publications and Notifications

Complete the e-Subscriber for Publications and Notifications registration form below (“Registration Agreement”) to receive emails each time Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York (Highmark BCBSWNY) releases various online publications and/or information is updated. These emails will contain information specific to members who have moved onto Highmark's Systems. Additional email addresses can always be added completing this page again and clicking “I Agree - Subscribe.

To ensure delivery of emails from Highmark BCBSWNY, please add the following email address,, to your address book.


By completing and submitting the below Registration Agreement (also referenced herein as “subscribing”), you represent and warrant on behalf of the group and each practitioner, that you have authority to bind the group and each practitioner and that the group and each practitioner agrees to receive enotifications at the e-mail address listed below. You also agree to electronically receive Administrative/Program Requirements that are legally binding upon the group and its practitioners pursuant to your network participation agreement with Highmark BCBSWNY. By subscribing, you hereby acknowledge that such communications and publications will be sent only by electronic means at the e-mail address listed below. You further agree that any new practitioner subsequently added to the group will automatically receive all publications described in this paragraph via email and not in paper, and will be bound by your agreement. Please maintain such electronic publications in the event of future questions and to ensure such compliance. You acknowledge and agree that neither you, nor the group or any practitioner, may dispute the validity of any Administrative/Program Requirements that Highmark BCBSWNY makes available electronically at such email address and such communications shall be deemed to have been properly delivered if they were made available at such email address. You may withdraw your consent provided in this Registration Agreement by unsubscribing at any time. To unsubscribe, click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of future emails from Highmark BCBSWNY. Any such withdrawal of consent is effective only after Highmark BCBSWNY has had a reasonable period of time to act upon such withdrawal. The consent to electronic communications provided herein shall remain in effect until withdrawn in the manner provided in this paragraph.


By submitting this Registration Agreement, you represent and warrant to Highmark BCBSWNY that you understand and agree that clicking on "I Agree - Subscribe" above constitutes your electronic signature and creates a legally binding agreement to all terms and provisions of this Registration Agreement.  Such electronic signature shall be treated in all respects as having the same legal effect as an original handwritten signature and shall affirm your acceptance of this Registration Agreement on behalf of yourself and each such practice/facility/group/practitioner.

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