PrEP Guidelines for HIV Prevention

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Clinical Education Initiative’s HIV clinical guidelines recommend speaking to your patients about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as a preventive measure.

Studies described in the clinical guidelines show that patients taking antiretroviral medication significantly reduce their risk of becoming infected with HIV.

According to the guidelines, PrEP should be offered as part of a comprehensive prevention plan for your HIV negative patients — including adolescents — who are at an increased risk of contracting HIV.

As part of the comprehensive prevention plan, it is recommended that your patients receive:

  • Counseling and education about adherence to PrEP and risk reduction
  • Discussions about additional HIV prevention options, including condom use and safe drug injection practices
  • Monitoring with routine lab tests

Please note: PrEP is not a preventive measure for other viral and bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Patients taking PrEP can still contract and spread STIs and you should continue to educate your patients on safe-sex practices.

We encourage you to speak with your adult and adolescent patients about the importance of HIV prevention.

